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We would all love to chance upon a fail-safe system that lets us win at the Roulette

table every time ⚾️ we set foot in a casino. But, alas, such a system is extremely

difficult to locate.

That is, unless your name ⚾️ is Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo. Senor

Garcia-Pelayo is a hero to many common or garden gamblers by proving that the house can

⚾️ be beaten if you are clever enough and have unlimited reserves of work ethic.


talented mathematician, Garcia-Pelayo bet on a ⚾️ hunch about the fairness of roulette

wheels and won!

There are many famous well used roulette systems but the reality is,

⚾️ there is a fixed margin built in to every spin that cannot be altered. There are

certain online casinos that ⚾️ offer a better roulette playing experience, but it’s

important to play there for the thrill and excitement and not be ⚾️ deluded that there is

a system that can beat the casino.

The story of how the only profitable roulette system

was ⚾️ uncovered and how the man that discovered it wonR$1.5 million, is a tale that

continues to inspire casino fans new ⚾️ and old.

Who is Gonzalo García-Pelayo?

In a

departure from perceived wisdom, Mr Garcia-Pelayo was not initially attracted to the

bright lights ⚾️ of Madrid's betting dens.

Indeed, Gonzalo, born in 1947, was more of a

film fanatic than a connoisseur of the Roulette ⚾️ Wheel. The film industry was where

Garcia-Pelayo first made his mark. Studying at the Official Film School of Spain,

Gonzalo ⚾️ was well on his way to graduating when the school closed through a lack of

funding. However, never to be ⚾️ deterred by short-term problems, Gonzalo set about a

career in the creative arts sector.

This pathway saw Garcia-Pelayo begin work with ⚾️ the

National Radio. Such a high-profile post provided access to a whole host of Spanish

recording stars.

It is no surprise ⚾️ that since this period the gambling don has produced

music for the likes of Alameda, Smash, Triana, and Maria Jiminez.

This ⚾️ path eventually

led Pelayo to work his magic in the film industry. However, his influence over the

music sector, and ⚾️ in particular, his contribution to developing the Andalusian rock

scene, means that Gonzalo will always retain great significance within the ⚾️ Spanish

cultural community.

Although Pelayo's impact on the arts can be classified as being

impressive, his significance to the gambling industry ⚾️ can only be viewed as being


Gonzalo became synonymous with Roulette in the 1990s. As the head of a

Garcia-Pelayo ⚾️ family coup, Gonzalo was instrumental in designing a statistical model

that could predict the pattern of Roulette results based on ⚾️ the slight idiosyncrasies

that traditional reels tended to hold. Between 1991 and 1995, the family backed their

hypothesis and claimed ⚾️ a profit of over 250 million pesetas (2.3 million NZD).


lion's share of this prize was gained at Madrid's Gran ⚾️ Casino. Pelayo is reported as

saying that this particular casino was both his "greatest enemy" and his "laboratory".

Allowing Gonzalo ⚾️ and his family to test the theories that they had developed and to

eventually make this information pay!

The discovery that ⚾️ roulette wheels all performed

differently due to small design errors was made completely by chance.


Gonzalo wished to understand how ⚾️ croupiers placed balls at the start of every roulette

spin. Wondering whether this action might be the key to determining ⚾️ the final outcome

of each round.

Gonzalo's nephew acted as the research assistant in this quest. Key data

compiled included the ⚾️ names of the croupier and the numbers that were called for each

spin. When Gonzalo analysed this data he was ⚾️ surprised to see that some individual

numbers are hit much more than others. For Gonzalo, this suggested that it was ⚾️ not

croupiers who had an influence over the outcomes, but defects in roulette wheels


How did Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo decide that ⚾️ the roulette wheel was


After months of study, it was determined that García-Pelayo was correct. All

roulette wheels were biased ⚾️ to a certain extent.

Once confirmed, Gonzalo and his team,

headed by his graduate son Ivan, set about backing his hunch. ⚾️ This led to the family

making profits of up to a million pesetas every day for a whole month. Although, ⚾️ as

Gonzalo later pointed out, this was not glamorous work, instead it was "a blue-collar

job" with "12-hour days".

Explaining roulette ⚾️ wheel bias: Can you still profit


The position of García-Pelayo within the annals of gambling folklore is secured

forever. But ⚾️ what was it about the psychics of a roulette spin that allowed the Pelayo

family to profit from some of ⚾️ the world's most famous casinos, consistently, for


Wheel bias occurs whenever roulette outcomes deviate from long term


Bias can occur ⚾️ for all manner of reasons.

Wear and tear to the drum of

the roulette wheel may not happen uniformly. A damaged ⚾️ wheel shaft, or loose frets in

the pocket dividers, may hamper the true progress of a roulette ball.

Because of this,

⚾️ the wheel may deliver a selection of results that do not conform to standard patterns.

These inconsistencies are normally difficult ⚾️ to spot in real-time, however, when large

scale evaluations are made it may become apparent that the roulette ball lands ⚾️ more

often into particular sections of the wheel.

Once you are certain that a wheel displays

bias, you can go about ⚾️ profiting from this information by betting on favoured


However, you also need to bear in mind that detecting bias does ⚾️ not guarantee

instant success.

You might tip the balance in your favour by a per cent or two, but

generating profits ⚾️ from this advantage is a timely process. Therefore, before you

embark on a strategy to bring the house down, you ⚾️ need to be backed by a significant

staking pot to finance your exploits until results in the real world begin ⚾️ to match

those observed during your spell of research.

But is it possible to follow the lead of

the Garcia-Pelayo and ⚾️ profit from any equipment defect that you detect?

It may still be

possible, but such is the technological advancements in the ⚾️ manufacture of Roulette

Wheels that such pursuits may be increasingly difficult to profit from.

Casinos now

commonly utilise Starburst roulette wheels. ⚾️ The Starburst variety incorporates metal

frets, which degrade at a much slower rate when compared to wooden counterparts, and

shallower ⚾️ pockets, which are less likely to endure discernible wear.


this means that even if you were intelligent enough to embark ⚾️ on a similar research

programme to the one instigated by the Garcia, it may now take thousands of spins until

⚾️ any sort of biased behaviour can be determined.

What is even worse, is that casinos now

track all Roulette outcomes in ⚾️ the same way that Gonzalo García-Pelayo did in the early


As soon as a casino detects any sort of bias ⚾️ within an extended set of Roulette

outcomes, the house will quickly ensure the wheel is changed so that savvy punters

⚾️ cannot profit from this discrepancy.

In the world of online casinos, the chance of ever

being able to play at a ⚾️ biased wheel is almost virtually eliminated. RNG (Random Number

Generator) roulette games, see the outcome of every spin determined by ⚾️ algorithms, with

these algorithms designed to produce a series of results that would reflect those

observed on a perfectly fair ⚾️ table. Even in games where live croupiers preside, wheels

are regularly changed so that any issue with bias is unlikely ⚾️ to ever be detected by

even the most cunning of bettors.

In essence, it is now not possible to do what ⚾️ Gonzalo

achieved, however, it is unlikely to stop high-rollers from continuing to exploit

deficiencies in the system if these come ⚾️ to light.

How did Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo take

advantage of roulette wheel bias?

Croupiers who worked the tables when Garcia-Pelayo

launched his most ⚾️ daring raids still remember the outcome well, with a continuing sense

of awe.

One anonymous casino employee recollects that the Pelayos ⚾️ began to win big at

the time that staff were engaged in a dispute with their bosses.

The labour dispute

centred ⚾️ on the distribution of 2.6 billion pesetas that casino staff accrued annually

in tips, that casino owners wished to gain ⚾️ a larger share of. Because of this impasse,

it is surmised that the Garcia-Pelayo were allowed to take advantage of ⚾️ casinos a

little more easily than would have otherwise been the case. A couple of the casino’s

tables were thought ⚾️ to be in need of replacement and it was on these specific wheels

that Gonzalo accrued the vast amount of ⚾️ his profits. Indeed, it is suggested that

Garcia-Pelayo's system was never particularly profitable when it was employed at other


However, ⚾️ there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the Pelayos were just as

successful when they took their findings out ⚾️ on the road away from the Spanish


A book about the success of the Garcia-Pelayo's suggests that they generated

wins ⚾️ of 14 million pesetas in Vienna, 13 million in Amsterdam, and 40 million in Lloret

de Mar.

However, as is often ⚾️ the case with gamblers that begin to strike it lucky,

Gonzalo was no longer welcome in several of Europe’s top ⚾️ casinos. For a while,

Garcia-Pelayo got around this hurdle by sending associates into establishments to place

bets for him, but ⚾️ it was apparent that Gonzalo had taken Spanish casinos to the

cleaners to the tune of 60 million pesetas (520,000 ⚾️ NZ dollars) and the casinos were

prepared to let him have no more.

To maximise his return from his endeavours, The

⚾️ Garcia-Pelayo family put their hypotheses to the test in casinos across the world,

amassing returns of around 250 million pesetas ⚾️ (2.3 million NZ dollars) from venues in

Las Vegas, Australia, Austria. Denmark, and Holland.

Following his worldwide tour,

Garcia-Pelayo was a ⚾️ marked man and barred from nearly all global casino venues.

The end

of a glorious chapter in the history of Garcia-Pelayo ⚾️ was reached.

What has Gonzalo

Garcia-Pelayo been up to?

When you are as multi-talented as Garcia-Pelayo you do not

rest on your ⚾️ laurels for long.

Given the notoriety of the exploits of the Garcia-Pelayo

clan, it stands to reason that a book documenting ⚾️ the family's battle with the casinos

of the world would make compelling reading. So, it was no surprise, that in ⚾️ 2003

Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo published the book entitled The Fabulous Story of the Pelayos.

Although The Fabulous Story of the Pelayos ⚾️ was nominally an autobiographical account of

the family's quest to bankrupt some of the biggest casinos in Europe, such was ⚾️ the

fantastical nature of some of the content that it would be well received as a

swashbuckling novel.

The dramatic nature ⚾️ of this account was subsequently picked up by

executives at the History Channel, who later commissioned a documentary based on

⚾️ Gonzalo’s literary musings. The series, called, Breaking Vegas: The Roulette Assault,

showed the detail that went into Gonzalo’s plan to ⚾️ take advantage of the weak points in

the casino infrastructure and ultimately how this plan became the huge success that ⚾️ it


Even though casinos took steps to ensure that Garcia-Pelayo’s strategies would no

longer pay, this did not mean that ⚾️ Gonzalo was finished with trying to earn a cheap


To this day, Garcia-Pelayo is using his abilities as an expert ⚾️ statistician to

unearth value in all sorts of gambling pursuits. In recent years this has meant more of

a focus ⚾️ on the sports betting industry. Gonzalo provides tips to a legion of fans on

all types of sporting fixtures and ⚾️ lives off of the fees that he earns.

As the man who

has developed the only profitable roulette system in history ⚾️ and who has profited to

the tune ofR$1.5 million, there is no reason to suggest that the Garcia-Pelayo will not

⚾️ continue to find success in every industry that they focus on.

If you want to test your

own strategies, you can ⚾️ generate your own roulette wheels here, without risking any


Disclaimer: Play responsibly. Players must be over 18. For help visit

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